Monday, August 3, 2009

11.5 Thing # 11.5

A big thanks to Spring Branch ISD for letting me participate once again. This was much better than just being a lurker. Once again I have learned so much and am so anxious to share with my faculty when school starts.

My favorite discovery has been using screen capture and glogster. GoView is so easy to use, I love it. I am currently working a summer bridge program for incoming freshmen and have created a short video on how to search for books using OPAC. Super easy to do and even easier to embed in my wiki. Students pay attention to a video, especially a quick short one. Am still playing around with Glogster.

My learning goals remain the same. I consider myself a lifelong learner and this program if anything has reemphasized this. Even an old geezer like me can learn new things and have loads of fun. My favorite part is that now even some of the younger faculty members will come and ask me questions about technology.

The most unexpected thing for me is how quickly technology is changing the way we live. It took me a while to Twitter but now I really rely on it and all of the blogs I keep up with in my Google Reader. What sometimes troubles me is when I read the tweets of all of the people I follow and keep up with the blogs I follow I begin to feel really inferior. When do these people find the time to do so much online? Do they not have families? Do they not cook, shop, read books, visit with friends, walk their dog, go to the movies, sleep? I know I've said this before but I often feel like I'm playing catch-up all of the time.

Really I can't think of anything that could be done differently to make this experience a better one. There is always lots of support and encouragement and the whole atmosphere is very non-threatening. Thank you Spring Branch once again. This Valley girl is a big fan.

1 comment:

VWB said...

We are glad you contributed to our learning circle once again. Have good new year. Hope you will keep in touch thru the blog and let us know what is on in your part of the "neighborhood."