Monday, January 7, 2008

Thing #6

So many possibilites as I continue to explore Flikr. I even discovered that my youngest daughter has an account. Found some interesting pictures of myself that she had posted. I liked going over some of the toys. I really enjoyed the badge maker, CD cover creator and the trading card maker. Would love to use the badge maker with our library helpers. The trading card is not really my cup of tea but the kids would love it. We could probably have some kind of contest where we could have kids create their own card and we would judge the most creative. Endless possibilites.


VWB said...

I haven't seen the badge maker...I will have to go back and look at that...wish I had had it years ago when my middle school library students wanted to make their own badges!! of course I wish we had had digital tachnology period back then!

healthylibrarian said...

Hi! Thanks for the Badge maker comment. That reminded me that I can use it for my new students aides who I will meet on Tuesday for this new semester!