Friday, July 4, 2008

ESC Thing 13, Week 6 is really easy to use. I spent lots of time visiting many of the different tags that people have set up as well as the SJLibraryLearning2's account that was set up for this assignment. I had already set up my own account previously and find myself adding to it constantly. You can set up on your browser's toolbar and just tag and tag to your hearts delight. Since first setting up my account I have discovered other tools which make me love this site the best of all. You can add other users to your social network and all of their bookmarks come with them. Cool!!
I have already been approached to in service all of our district's Geography teachers and this is one site they will all learn about.


ESC1 said...

I agree with you about I add links almost every day.

Technoseeker said...
