Friday, May 29, 2009

Beat Nite

It's that time of year again, time for our annual Beat Nite. Mr. Hixon's Senior English classes invade our library and turn it into a "Beat Cafe" right out of the 50's. Snap, snap, clapping is not allowed. It is hard to let them tear the library apart but they really do wonders and transform the library into a cool cafe where poets read and musicians play.
The Beat Movement which began in the 1950's was a term coined to describe an ant-establishment movement. Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac were two prominent poets of the Beat Movement.
The night will be filled with poems dealing with first love, first love lost, family issues, fear of the unknown (college) and some regular teen angst. Many of the poems are truly heartbreaking to hear. It makes you realize how much baggage some of our students carry around.

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