Tuesday, June 23, 2009

11.5 Thing # 3

Must confess that I had heard of Skype before. Even saw it in action once, a movie or commercial I think. My daughter has an Apple laptop and she Ichats constantly. Her best friend traveled to Europe last summer and they kept in touch through their laptops. They chatted all through Europe. Pretty cool huh?
Skype has the ability to allow students to communicate with other students all over the world. Home bound students can video stream their lessons and communicate with all of their teachers as well as fellow students. The blog post about Skype based reference in the library was very interesting. I already have my email on our library's main page but adding Skype would be an interesting twist. Looked through the other apps for web based calling or conferencing, for the most part they seem to work very similar. My next big purchase will be an IPhone and am looking forward to paying the $0.99 for some of the applications I read about.

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