Monday, July 13, 2009

11.5 Thing # 6

I was really looking forward to this assignment because my goal is to purchase an IPhone very soon, thought I would be able to practice on my daughter's ITouch. Wrong, daughter was not keen on me messing with her new device. The nerve! I did, however, enjoy looking through all of the blog postings on all of the apps that are free or available for purchase. Our school recently purchased 60 IPods which we had to process. My fellow librarian and I were wondering what the teachers would use them for and we were both concerned about security. One of the blogs led me to 100 Ways to Use your Ipod to learn and study better. What a great site. Love the apps for ESL Podcast, great for our newcomers. Spark notes has a great SAT Vocabulary builder which would be great for our Juniors and Seniors preparing for the test.
So many apps to choose from, I am really looking forward to getting my new phone soon and am now feeling a little better about our school Ipods.

1 comment:

VWB said...

I am at a crossroads as well. Am trying to decide wheter to get the phone or just the Itouch so i too can play with all the cool stuff! Decisions, decisions, decisions. I remember the days when your biggest decsion was deciding the color of the phone...and if you had a princess style, well...