VWB from A Library by Any Other Name tagged me to participate in this social meme. I must admit that I had never even heard of the term until today . Basically, a meme is a virtual chain letter. Usually I never pass anything like this along but I thought this would be interesting.
Here are the rules:Title your blog post "Meme: Passion Quilt" and link back to this blog entry.
Include links to 5 folks in your professional learning network or whom you follow on Twitter/Pounce.
Las Senoritas uploaded on October 30, 2007
by catface 3 from FlickrCC.
Our school is 99% Hispanic. Many of our students are recent immigrants and non-English speakers. Culture plays an important role in our students' identity. I see education as the way for our students to advance and succeed in our society while not forgetting where they come from.
Now I get to tag 5 people. Christine Reed, Mary Lou John, Maricela Sierra, Anne Cespedes and Lynda Corbeil. Tag, you're it. I'm hoping that if you do not currently have a blog this will inspire you to create one. Speaking for myself, I'm hooked.
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