Monday, March 17, 2008

Thing # 23

To sum everything up:

1. My favorite sites are, all the image generators and LibraryThing.
2. This program has made me realize that we can never stop learning. Just when you think you
have mastered something you realize how much more there is to learn.
3. What was unexpected for me was how much I learned and how much I enjoyed the program.
4. For me, the format was perfect. Self-paced and very non-threatening. Offering the program
over the summer might bolster attendance and completion.
5. If another discovery program was offered in the future similar to this one, I would definitely
6. The more I learned during this experience the more I realized how much more I had to learn.
Technology is a great thing. Beam me up Scottie.

1 comment:

VWB said...

thanks for playing with us and giving us a different perspective. hope you will keep blogging and sharing thoughts and ideas about all this 2.0 stuff!...and all the other stuff that goes on in a library!